Important Summer Propane Safety Tips

Propane has so many uses. For one thing, it can be used to heat your whole home. Likewise, it can also be used for a variety of outdoor uses, such as providing fuel for your grill, outdoor fire pit, patio lighting, or even used to heat up your pool. When using propane tanks outside for whatever reason, it is essential to know how to handle them.

Keep Tanks Outdoors

You should never take your propane tanks inside and store them. Storing the tanks inside is a big safety risk. Instead, you should store the tanks outside and in an upright position. Consider storing them in an open-air shed so that they are a little protected from the elements but still in a fully ventilated area.

Know-How to Turn the Tank Off

Second, you need to know how to turn the gas supply off on the tank or cylinder. It is effortless; you just have to turn the valve to the off position. Make sure all adults in the home know how to turn the gas supply off.

Be an Alert for a Gas Smell

Third, it is essential to be aware of what a gas leak smells like. It will have a bad odor to it, like rotten eggs. If you or someone else smells gas in the home or on the property, take it seriously. Check the tank and ensure that the release valve is closed tightly. If the release value is open, close it and see if the smell dissipates.

If the smell persists, you will want to remove everyone from the area where the gas is located. It is harmful to breathe in the fumes, and you don't want anyone to be around if there is an explosion.

If you have a gas tank that you think is leaking, call your propane delivery service or emergency services for assistance.

Keep Flammables Away

Fourth, you are going to want to keep flammables away from your propane tanks. It is true that you can use propane to create a flame, like with your grill; however, you want to keep all flammable items away from any appliances or equipment that is being powered by propane. This will significantly reduce the chance of something catching on fire and creating an issue.

Get Your Tanks Delivered

Stop transporting your tanks on your own. Instead, get your propane tanks delivered to your home. You don't have to have a huge propane tank that needs to be filled to get propane tanks delivered to your home. Instead, you can order a supply of smaller propane tanks for outdoor things such as grilling and get them delivered to your home.

Propane tanks should be transported upright and in well-ventilated vehicles. With a professional delivery, you allow a professional to handle the transportation, significantly reducing risk.

Call your local propane delivery service and arrange to have them pick up and deliver your tanks this summer. You can also ask them to show you how to correctly operate the tank if you are not sure on the proper way to set up and use them. A propane delivery service can provide more information. 
