Improve Your Retail Customer Experience With LED Lights

Many retail environments have been slow to convert to LED light panels. Homes and offices have been early adopters of smart lighting to take advantage of the energy efficiency savings. LED lights can do more than save on energy costs. They can improve your customer experience, shopping time, and retention. 

Improved Viewing Comfort 

The fluorescent or incandescent lights in your retail environment are harsher on the eyes than LED lights. If your customers experience eye strain while browsing your product displays, they will spend less time in your store. And flickering lights, a common annoyance of fluorescent lights, are sure to send them to the next shop. 

New LEDs lower the exposure to the blue light (400−500 nanometer wavelength) present in artificial lights. Increasing the eye sensitivity of your customers is only one problem with blue lights. Blue light suppresses melatonin, causing disruptions in sleep-wake patterns. With less sleep, you could have grumpier retail staff selling products to your customers. 

New LED light panels are introducing screening and filtering technology to lower the blue light exposure. Warm LED lights have less blue light than cool lights. These lights also come in many colors, providing an opportunity to visually stimulate your customers with yellow, green, red, or other hues less sensitive to the eyes. 

Even Illumination

Traditional retail lighting creates a dizzying light dance for your customers. Products may be well illuminated on half the shelf, while on the other half, major eye strain is required to read the label or ascertain the true color. How often do your customers go in search of a window to determine if a product is dark blue or black?

LED lighting distributes light more evenly. Customers no longer have to bend and twist to get a better view of a product. All products are clearly displayed and product signs easier to read. 

Automatically Adjustable LED Light Panels 

LED light panels with smart features provide a wide variety of lighting options. Adjustable lighting lowers the ease and cost of creating engaging product displays. To improve the viewing experience, lights can be dimmed in different parts of the store, depending on the products being displayed. If you're selling clothes, by adjusting the light intensity and color, you can create the season and mood.

Adjustable LED lights can further lower your energy bills. Program lights to turn on as motion sensors detect customers entering the space. Or dim lights in areas where strong light is not required. 

LED lights — smart, adjustable, and even — provide endless ways to improve your customer experience. For more information on LED light panels, contact a local seller.
