Wireless Propane Monitors: Pros & Cons
Just as technology has made way for changes in the natural gas industry, it has also made changes in the propane business. If you are a residential customer who relies on propane to heat your home or provide energy to your home, you may have the option to get a wireless tank monitoring device. These devices monitor the levels of fuel in your tank and send automatic alerts to the propane delivery company. Here is a look at the pros and cons of these devices.
Pro: You will always get a timely propane delivery.
There is no question about it, the number one advantage of opting for a wireless tank monitor in your propane tank is the fact that you will always get propane delivered when your tank gets low. You won't have to call the company or make arrangements for delivery on your own; instead, the monitor will send a notification to the provider so they know that your tank is getting low.
Con: You will need a WiFi connection for the monitor to connect to.
In order for the tank monitor to work, it does need to be connected to the internet to send out signals to the company. Therefore, it will typically be required that customers who opt for this device have a WiFi connection in range. Some tank monitors rely on cellular data connections, which will not require WiFi and the connection will be maintained by the service provider instead.
Pro: You can decide at what level you want your tank topped off.
If you would prefer to have your tank refilled when it gets down to about half full instead of almost empty, you can make those arrangements with the propane delivery company. Some customers prefer to keep their tank mostly full at all times in case of an emergency shortage or bad weather that could slow down a delivery. The propane delivery company will work with you to determine when you want your monitor set to send an alert for a delivery to the company.
Con: You may have to pay a service fee for the monitor.
If the propane delivery company offers wireless tank monitoring devices, you may have to pay a small service fee to take advantage of using one in your tank. The fees are pretty minimal, however, so most consumers do not mind the added expense for the advantage of never having to call in a propane order again.
For more information, contact a propane delivery service in your area.